There are several techniques to drive without ruining yourself, such as tips on buying cheaper fuel, taking out insurance at the best price, benefiting from reimbursed mileage costs... Those who find that driving a car costs a real fortune will be interested in our guide based on tips to save money and drive cheaply.

Renting a car between private individuals

The advantage of car rental between individuals is that it avoids the very high prices and lack of flexibility of traditional car rental companies. Renting your neighbor’s car allows you to have more affordable rates than expert car rental dealers. If you want to have further more information about private car rental, check To enjoy a weekend with family or friends when you don't have a car or your vehicle is broken down, you can perfectly do so by renting different car models: Smart, utility, minivan, convertible... These vehicles belong to individuals or neighbors who don't need them right now and prefer to make them profitable rather than leave them inactive.

Reduce fuel costs

To reduce excessive fuel costs, it is recommended to travel light. In this case, it is better not to load your car during your holidays and only carry the bare essentials. Using the car's air conditioning reduces fuel consumption by 40%. So considering airing the car by opening the windows is more advantageous for the wallet. In case of traffic jams, it is more ecological and economical to turn off the engine if the car is stationary after 2 to 3 minutes. Another economic trick is to carpool and avoid refueling on the highway, as gas stations on the highway charge excessive rates.

Drive cheaper by taking out the best insurance

Before signing an insurance contract, it is recommended to take the time to make the competition work by asking for quotes from the various companies and mutual. The choice of insurance must be in line with your expectations and situation. Those who want to legally drive with the cheapest insurance on the market will have to take out third party insurance, which is the only one that is mandatory. It will therefore be necessary to ensure that the contract does not include unnecessary contracts such as assistance with a too high mileage deductible or a theft cover contract when the car is too old to be of interest to potential criminals.